Trading Software PC

As developer of add-ons and apps for all major brokerage, trading, treasury & risk management platforms  (Bloomberg, Money.Net, Reuters, Calypso, TradeStation, InteractiveBrokers, ESignal, MultiCharts, NinjaTrader, SierraCharts, MetaTrader MT4/ MT5 a.o.) we are constantly enhancing our tools for finance pros.


Visualizing of correlations and lead-lag-relationships between financial data series, combining known and proprietary linear and non-linear correlation models and metrices

Scans a predetermined universe of markets for high / low correlated instruments – a great tool for hedging, risk management, pairs trading

Fully automated intraday Futures trading strategy: > 80% profitable, Win/Loss-ratio: > 1.2, Profit factor > 4.5

Detection of profitable chart patterns with high probability of recurrence

Visualizing of intraday market dynamics over time (volume, volatility, strategy profitabilty)

Send financial charts from within your trading platform by e-mail as well as to any blog or forum with one mouse click - the recipient may re-open that chart with live market data

CSA Calypso System Analyzer
Suite of tools assisting the implementation of the Calypso treasury, trading and risk management platform. Substantially reduces time, costs and operational risks during requirements gathering as well as test design, execution and documentation.

FIMS Financial Instruments Monitoring System
Back office tool for tracking and auditing of front office activities.

CRM management software for the financial industry, with proprietary database interface, unique process automation and unlimited scalability. SAAS with customized views and processes.
Forum software for blogs, customer relationship, support, PR, communities, training, courses.


Our software products are enhancing the following platforms:

TradeStation    NinjaTrader    InteractiveBrokers    MultiCharts    MoneyNet    eSignal   Calypso front-to-back multi-asset platform


Weiss & Quast Ltd.
Financial Industry Consulting
3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street
London W1B 3HH, United Kingdom
Phone/Telefax:  +44-20-3514-3784
Email: London@weiss-quast.com
Weiss & Quast Inc.
99 Wall Street, Suite 1199
New York, NY 10005, United States
Phone/Telefax:  +1-646-397-7972
Email: NewYork@weiss-quast.com
Weiss & Quast Consulting GbR
Eichenstrasse 28 b
D-81375 München, Germany
Phone: +49-89-2096-5183
Telefax: +49-89-9107-6207
Email: Muenchen@weiss-quast.com


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